
Benefits Analysis/Work Incentive Counseling

A wide ranging set of services intended to assist job seekers to navigate benefit, entitlement, and economic assistance programs. These services also address questions or concerns regarding how benefits might be affected by earning income.

Job Development and Preparation

Comprehensive set of services to assist job seekers in their efforts to plan for, seek, obtain, and maintain employment by matching interests, skills, and experience to employer needs.

Supported Employment

Intensive initial and ongoing support services provided to job seekers with the most significant disabilities for whom competitive, integrated community employment has not traditionally occurred to gain employment consistent with their unique strengths, abilities, and interests.

Student Work Based Learning Training

Collaborative and interactive activities between transition-aged youth and community employers to provide structured learning and employment experiences for students. These experiences focus on developing broad, transferable skills for postsecondary education and the workplace.

Systematic Instruction/Job Coaching

The explicit teaching of specific job-related concepts or procedures in a highly structured and carefully sequenced manner. The instruction and coaching are based on detailed analysis of the employment position and the specific skills and needs of the individual working.

Explore Work Training

A 5-part series of web-based modules to help youth or adults with disabilities explore their future. Activities include Career Planning & Job Exploration Counseling, Work-Based Learning, Post-Secondary Educational Opportunities, Workplace Readiness, and Self-Advocacy.